Monday, June 14, 2010


When you have children, every day is a first "something". Some of them are big (you record them in your baby book)--first tooth, first word, first step; others are small (and you don't necessarily want to remember them)--first scrape, first fever, first tantrum. This past few weeks have been filled with many firsts for our family.

Gabe started eating solids--his first food was bananas--and he LOVED it!

Isaiah rode a horse for the first time at Grandpa Peter's in Canada.

Gabe went out of the country for the first time to visit our Canadian family.

Isaiah caught his first fish--a 10 inch rainbow trout at Lake Elsie--with help from Uncle Timmy. He wasn't too sure about the fish but was super-excited to tell everyone about it later.

Isaiah had his first pinata at his 2nd birthday party--it was shaped like a football and made by one of Aunt Shasta's students for extra credit. He cried when it started falling apart.

Isaiah got his first guitar (I am sure there will be more to follow) from his Aunt Celina. He LOVES it and has the most difficult time sharing!

I am sure there are many more that I am forgetting (not a first) but this is just a taste of a few. As a parent you wish that you could remember all of them (even the tantrums) because someday your days will not be filled with so many firsts! I hope that all the firsts in my life continue to happen because they make everyday exciting and wonderful!

1 comment:

  1. yeah bananas!!!

    I love the photo of Isaiah & the fish. Super cute.
